Wednesday, February 4, 2009

He's Everywhere!!

Like i have mentioned in some responses, I love Shakespeare!!! It really makes me wonder that if there was never a Shakespeare and we never had his writings would we have the kind of story plots and movies that we do. Any and every movie i have ever seen has had some reflection of Shakespeare's work. From love gone wrong, to betrayal, to the tragic endings, most of our basic movie plots have a Shakespeare; which is why i love reading him so much i love to ponder about all the movies that have been created in this likelihood. Try renting the movie O its a modern Othello.. too funny!!


  1. I am really glad that you appreciate Shakespeare so much; I myself find his readings to be unique and interesting. However, it is sort of hard to believe that Shakespeare is everywhere in every film we watch. Several people believe, just as Dr. Smith stated in class, we are not even sure if Shakespeare ever existed.
    Just because a movie has a form of betrayal, tragedy, or romance should not lead to the belief that Shakespeare was the root. Drama has always been around and always will be.
    I do not mean to be a downer or negative but it is my belief that we need to look beyond the idea of tragedy and lust, thus to better allow people to see the real words of "Shakespeare" and a feeling for the literature of an ancient era.

  2. I haven't really read to much of Shakespeare but i also thought about how his story plots have changed movies and books. But this story is very different from his other stories because he discusses prejudice which i think is very interesting. Have a good weekend.
