Wednesday, January 28, 2009


I'm starting to see a pattern in our readings. The outsider, the one that defies the norm and goes against the crowd. Although all have different motives and reasons for why they do what they do or why they are who they are; one thing is for sure none of the main characters of our stories have been NORMAL.

These stories are not completely impossible to comprehend but they are certainly not entertaining me. I'm finding it hard to get past the fist 5 pages. There are no real pots and the stories all jump and go in circles. I would like to read something with more of an actual story. LIKE MY NEW COSMO MAGAZINE!!

Friday, January 23, 2009

I am what I want to be

First: After reading Metamorphosis i had dreams that cockroaches where all over my room..Not cool. I find both stories, Metamorphosis and Notes from the Underground, to deal with the outcasts of life; however I believe that both characters made themselves outcasts. Its true Gregor had no say in becoming a cockroach but he did have a say in how he dealt with it. Both characters had many specific things they wanted to do for themselves yet; neither did anything. I believe you create your own fate and these two stories are grounds for that argument.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009